okie now coming to the formal procedure:- Rules of the Award:
* List five current obsessions.
* Pass the award on to five more fabulous blogs.
* On your post of receiving this award, make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to them.
* When you post your five winners, make sure you link them as well.
* Don’t forget to let your winners know they won an award from you by leaving a comment on their blog.
5 obsessions would be:-
Reading:-when I was in school I used to hate reading but don't know when I developed a liking for it..today I am fond of reading everything write from the newspapers,to magazines to novels and now that I am here then I can proudly mention I enjoy reading the blogs of all you guys!
Blogging:-I never thought this would happen..really...initially i used to check my blog maybe once in 2-3 days..I used to prefer writing less and honestly dint even visit many blogs...but today I am kind of addicted to this place whenever I get an opportunity I am here..if not to post then to read and leave comments...!
Shopping:-That's quite common I guess...especially with girls and a pain for boys...but I really like it!
Nature walks:-I am really fond of going out for long walks..I live in a place which is famous for its scenic beauty...so I have to go out once in a day for sure until or unless I am really stuck with some urgent work or illness!
Music:-My day begins and ends with it....i always carry my headphones with me...it really keeps me going...love listening to it!
coming to the top five bloggers..well for me everyone here is simply fabulous...some have already been awarded...and here are the names of some more:-
3.Priya joyce
[p.s:-thanks a lot stibumama...for not only giving me this award but also an opportunity to pass it onto all these fabulous writers...!]
congratulations Parzi :)
ReplyDeleteand to all the freakin fabulous bloggers! :)
well deserved! :)
HI Parzi...
ReplyDeleteCongratulations :)
I like the way u narrate..
keep writing :)
thank you !
ReplyDeletewow.. Congrats Parzii :)
ReplyDeleteTruly deserved.. :D
Congratulations :) you sure are fantabulous :)
ReplyDeleteu've been tagged! find it in my blog, under tag category! :)
ReplyDeletethank you for the award.. wow! you deserve it soooooooooooo much.. i dont know if i do..the kind of irregular blogger that i have become off late.. :(
First of all CONGRATULATIONS! :) You really deserve it Parzi !! But I really dont know in what way I deserve it ?! Cos I have been so irregular to most of the blogs off late!!! Sorry for that !! And Thank you so much dear !! :)
ReplyDeleteHey parzi...you have an award to collect on my blog..stay smilin :)
ReplyDeleteheya....sweetheart kaisi ho...nd m glad for u...u r freaking fabulous nd i knw it...coz i knw ur always the best nd will be the best ....nice and congrats to all the awardees
ReplyDeletecongrats ...u rock
ReplyDeletethank u sooooooooo much leo...well i don't know if i deserve it or not but I m sure that the others certainly do..:)
but thanks a lot!
take care!
god bless u!
ReplyDeletethank u sooooooooo much dear!
thanks for all the appreciation and encouragement...it really means a lot!
thank u:)
take care!
keep smiling!
ReplyDeleteu r always welcome sweetheart!
n u truly deserve it!
take care!
god bless!
ReplyDeletethank u sooooooooooooooo much arjun...again i dont think i deserve it...but i m really glad to receive it ...
thanks a lot!
take care!
keep smiling!
ReplyDeleteawww..thank u soooooooooooo much for that compliment...really very kind of u to say that...thanks a ton!
take care!
god bless!
ReplyDeletehey Leo thank u sooooooooooo much for tagging me....i will definitely take it up soon!
thank you:)
take care!
ReplyDeletethank u sooooooooo much dear!
nobody deserves it more than you...so what if u r not regular...everytime u come and leave a presence that stays till the time u r back with a new post!thats ur aura...so never think that u don't deserve it...u r freaking fabulous truly!
take care!
ReplyDeletethank u sooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhh!
and off course u deserve it...just because u have not been very regular that cant take away your creativity and talent from you!so whether u come everyday or once in a month u r and shall always remain a fabulous blogger!remember that!
take care!
god bless!
thnx a lotttttttt sweets...for awarding me such a wonderful thingie...:):)
ReplyDeletehugssssssss :):)